“Buffy Sainte-Marie and a diverse lineup of 33 award-winning and emerging Indigenous artists are all streaming at Virtual 2 Rivers Remix 2020, September 4 • 5 • 6
Now in it’s third year, ’Q’emcín 2 Rivers Remix has been a FREE multi-day outdoor feast of contemporary Indigenous music and culture hosted by the Nlaka’pamux Nation in ‘Q’emcin (aka the Village of Lytton).
2RMX 2020 is part of VirtualFeast.ca, a new indigenous-led online platform to highlight and support streaming of contemporary Indigenous performances in the Summer of COVID-19. VirtualFeast.ca provides a single point of reference and discovery for audiences tuned into the burgeoning BC Indigenous music scene. VirtualFeast.ca is collaborative project of BC Indigenous arts presenters including: 2 Rivers Remix Society, Savage Production Society, Full Circle: First Nations Performance, Vines Festival/Resilient Roots.
What: 2 Rivers Remix Virtual 2020 – 3rd annual, 3-day, 33 artist FREE Feast of Contemporary Indigenous Music and Culture
When: Streaming Friday Sept. 4, Saturday Sept 5, Sunday Sept. 6 @ 5pm-11pm (each day)
Why: BC’s Premier Feast of Contemporary Indigenous Music… and did we mention it’s ALL FREE!
Who: 33 Contemporary Indigenous Musical Artists performing a wide variety of genres
Where: Your usual live-streaming platforms
How: Register for FREE at VirtualFeast.ca! to access exclusive 2RMX streams.”
For more information, please visit: https://2riversremix.ca/
-from 2 Rivers Remix