March 2010 – Artbridges

Archive for March, 2010


“Talent does not recognize geography or ethnic background. Talent must be found and if possible, fostered. But regardless of talent or affinity, being exposed to art teaches children about who they are and who they can be.” -Jennifer Fournier Retired Principal Dancer National Ballet of Canada In conversation about ArtBridges

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Profile: Art Starts (Toronto)

Art Starts is a charitable, not for profit organization committed to arts-based community development in the city of Toronto. It was founded in 1992 by a group of artists living in the Eglinton & Oakwood neighbourhood. Its mandate is to build healthier communities using the arts. “At Art Starts we

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Profile: 7th Generation Image Makers (Toronto)

7th Generation Image Makers is a community arts program under the auspices of Native Child and Family Services of Toronto. The program was founded in 1995 by local Anishnawbek artist Maria Hupfield through the NCFST youth department. The program’s mandate is to provide arts exposure and constructive creative expression for

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Excerpts from Report: Enhancing Cultural Capital (Winnipeg)

The Arts and Community Development “ There is not only a wealth of artistic and cultural resources in the inner city, but these resources can make an enormous contribution to building community capacity, energizing community-based revitalization efforts, educating young people, improving our public spaces, and invigorating local economies.” (8) Here’s

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Profile: The A-Zone, Moncton Boys and Girls Club

Boys and Girls Club of Moncton is part of  Boys and Girls Clubs of Canada.  It has an outstanding arts programcalled: A-Zone.  The centre was founded in Moncton in 1957. Its mandate is “To provide a safe, supportive place where children and youth can experience new opportunities, overcome barriers, build positive relationships and develop confidence and skills for life.”

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Profile: Sketch (Toronto)

Sketch is a community arts development initiative that was founded in 1996 by Phyllis Novak. Its mandate is to engage youth who are street involved, homeless or otherwise marginalized in a progressive arts learning framework. The main premise of Sketch is that the arts are a response to homelessness and

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Francophone Community Arts Update from Alexa!

Alma, Lake St. John, QC  Voilà 3 semaines que nous avons poursuit notre chemin du Québec aux Maritimes et à l’Ontario, et notre recherche pour les arts communautaires est beaucoup plus difficile. La plupart des projets, programmes, organismes et ressources que nous avons contacté sont dédiés à la préservation de

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