October 2010 – Artbridges

Archive for October, 2010

Invitation à : L’ART COMMUNAUTAIRE : SUR ? AVEC ? POUR ? une communauté? (Montréal)

L’ART COMMUNAUTAIRE : SUR ? AVEC ? POUR ? une communauté ? À partir de certaines expériences vécues lors du Congrès international IDEA, Belém, Brésil, juillet 2010 Où : Studio de LEVIER 4525 Saint-Jacques Montréal (près du métro Place-Saint-Henri) Quand : Samedi le 20 novembre De 13 à 18 heures Sujet : “L’art

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Invitation to: COMMUNITY ART: ABOUT? WITH? FOR? Community? (Montréal)

COMMUNITY ART: ABOUT? WITH? FOR? Community Based on some experiences of the IDEA international Congress 2010, Belém, Brazil (July 2010) WHERE: LEVIER Studio 4525 Saint-Jacques Montréal (Closest metro station: Place-Saint-Henri) WHEN: Saturday November 20, 2010 From 13h00-18h00 TOPIC: “Community art seems to have become all the rage, with “cultural mediation”,

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New Audio Exhibit: Below the Line (Kingston)

“This summer, CFRC recruited Kingston residents to create sound stories about their experiences of poverty. Participants recently finished their projects, and this week the pieces have been set up in a sound installation at the Artel. You can check out CKWS television’s coverage of the exhibit here. Over the next

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Réflection sur la recherche sur les arts communautaires francophones au Manitoba / Reflections of Research on Francophone Community Arts in Manitoba

Nous avons accumulé 28 contacts jusqu’à date en notre recherche pour les arts communautaires francophone au Manitoba. Des 28 contacts, 9 d’entre eux ont étés confirmés comme étant des projets, programmes, ressources ou organismes travaillant dans les arts communautaires francophones; 15 d’entre eux nécessitent plus d’information, et 4 sont d’autres

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Upcoming: Downtown Eastside ARTS FOR ALL INSTITUTE- Oppen-Art: 5-day intensive community arts leadership training & project course (Vancouver)

“Downtown Eastside Heart of the City Festival in association with Vancouver Moving Theatre and Jumblies Theatre (Toronto) and in cooperation with Carnegie Community Centre/Oppenheimer Park presents 2nd Downtown Eastside ARTS FOR ALL INSTITUTE: Oppen-Art Nov. 9-14, 2010, Oppenheimer Park 488 Powell Street, Vancouver, BC The 2nd Downtown Eastside Arts For

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Upcoming Certificate Program: Creative Arts Facilitation for Transformational Learning (Tatamagouche, NS)

Tatamagouche Centre: Creative Arts Facilitation for Transformational Learning April 11-15 2011 Monday 7pm to Friday 1pm “This certificate program fuses popular education theory and practice with the creative arts. You will experience art practices such as movement, visual art, theatre and voice; discovering how each practice contributes to transformational learning experiences

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