December 2013 – Artbridges

Archive for December, 2013

Impact of Arts on Health | Featured Resource

The ArtBridges Resource Portal connects you to community arts toolkits and research, reflections and stories, program ideas, and more. These resources have been developed and generously shared by artists and cultural workers in Canada through the course of their work. “Participation in the arts, whether more passively as a spectator

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Grant opportunity for community-based arts activities: 4Cs Foundation (Halifax, January 15, 2014)

“The next deadline is January 15, 2014 for grant applications to the 4Cs Foundation. Please visit for more information. In particular read the page “Applying for a Grant”. The 4Cs Foundation funds community-based projects that foster links and connections between young people and others in their community in the context

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Adhésion 2014 à Théâtre Action, l’organisme de promotion et de développement du théâtre franco-ontarien

“Adhésion 2014 à Théâtre Action, l’organisme de promotion et de développement du théâtre franco-ontarien Vous faites partie du milieu théâtral franco-ontarien professionnel, communautaire ou de l’éducation ? Je vous invite à adhérer ou renouveler votre adhésion à Théâtre Action pour 2014. Activités spéciales, rabais sur les publications, réseautage, formation, spectacles à

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Engrenage Noir / ROUAGE: Vous invite à des 5 à 7 activistes avec speed dating (rencontres express) engagé (Montréal)

“C’est un rendez-vous, vendredi le 6 décembre au Café L’Artère 7000 avenue du Parc (métro Parc) Bienvenue à tous et toutes ! Une occasion de se réseauter dans une atmosphère conviviale.” -soumis par Johanne Chagnon, Engrenage/ROUAGE Lire le profil d’Engrenage/ROUAGE dans notre répertoire et carte de l’art communautaire au Canada

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Tangled Arts + Disability: Celebration of International Day for People With Disabilities (Dec 5th & 6th, Toronto)

Tangled Arts + Disability is celebrating International Day for People With Disabilities December 5 & 6th, 2013  TANGLED BODIES 5:00pm December 5th, 2013 TIFF Bell Lightbox, Cinema 3 A panel discussion about the impact of current provincial legislation on the lives and practices of artists with disabilities. Panelists include artist/scholars Nancy

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Kaleidoscope Program: collaboration kicks off 3rd year of high-quality cultural arts programs in schools (Scarborough, ON)

High-Quality Arts Program Kicks Off 3rd Year of Art, Culture, and Diversity in Scarborough Schools Kaleidoscope Program “Scarborough contains some of the most diverse neighbourhoods in Canada, yet the provision of high-quality cultural arts programs in schools is limited, particularly for newcomers, youth, and culturally diverse communities. Kaleidoscope, a collaborative

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