November 2015 – Page 2 – Artbridges

Archive for November, 2015

13th Annual Regent Park Film Festival (Toronto)

“The Regent Park Film Festival (RPFF), Canada’s only free-of-charge community film festival, announced this year’s festival line-up at a Gala Fundraiser on Thursday night. From Daniel’s Spectrum, right in the heart of the Regent Park community, Festival Programmer Onyeka Igwe presented an exciting lineup that will run from November 18th

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Opportunité de Financement par Exeko!

“Exeko lance un appel de projet! Une opportunité en or de recevoir du financement pour un projet! Une “Véritable opportunité de métissage entre disciplines, ces bourses s’adressent à des étudiantes et des étudiants proposant un projet en arts et en philosophie. Objectifs Par la rencontre entre les arts et la

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Profil à découvrir : Exeko (Montréal)

À mesure que notre répertoire de l’art communautaire prend de l’ampleur, nous réalisons qu’il devient un peu lourd de parcourir tous les profils… Nous avons donc pensé qu’en soulignant certains profils dans notre blogue, de temps à autre, nous vous permettrions de découvrir des projets que vous n’auriez pas encore vus. Merci de

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Canada Council for the Arts: Elder & Youth Legacy Program Funding, Deadline Nov.15

“The Canada Council for the Arts is committed to equity and inclusion, and welcomes applications from diverse Aboriginal, cultural and regional communities, and from people with disabilities. Please refer to the complete Program Guidelines [PDF, 316.7 KB]. Program Description: Through this program, Aboriginal arts organizations can help Elders pass on the

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Profile Highlight: Music Liberatory (Halifax)

As ArtBridges’ Community-Engaged Arts Directory grows, we realize that it’s a bit overwhelming to read through all of the profiles. We’re hoping that by occasionally highlighting some profiles on our blog, you may learn about an initiative that you may not have initially seen in the directory. Also, if you know of

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Nov. 6-8: 2015 Power of the Arts National Forum / Forum national Le Pouvoir des arts

Engaged Citizens From Across Canada are Preparing for the Third Annual Power of the Arts National Forum “Secretary General of La Francophonie Michaëlle Jean, Ottawa-based arts activist Kalkidan Assefa, French Rapper Jali, American Visual Artist Michael Rakowitz, & Filmmaker Jean-Daniel Lafond, to speak at the Upcoming 2015 Power of the

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