August 2017 – Page 3 – Artbridges

Archive for August, 2017

Video: True Heart – The Value of Art (Art Starts)

Art Starts asked participants in their True Heart program “What has art started in your life?” watch their responses above. “Art Starts creates vibrant Toronto neighbourhoods through community-building arts initiatives. We bring together professional artists and residents of all ages to create dynamic and accessible arts projects that are responsive to

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Call for Presentations: National Arts and Learning Conference

“CNAL/RCAA will hold a National Conference on October 18-20, 2017 in the stunning, cultural gathering space of the Wabano Centre for Aboriginal Health, 299 Montréal Road, Ottawa. Participants will have an opportunity to learn about key issues in arts and learning, be inspired by celebrated speakers and community leaders, and contribute to the

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Rapport : Impressions de l’impact des arts sur la qualité de vie et le bien-être en Ontario (Conseil des arts de l’Ontario, Nanos Research)

“Une nouvelle étude du Conseil des arts de l’Ontario (CAO) réalisée par Nanos Research révèle que les habitants de la province reconnaissent la contribution importante des arts au dynamisme et à la viabilité des collectivités. Selon Impressions de l’impact des arts sur la qualité de vie et le bien-être en Ontario, rapport de Nanos Research

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