2018 Analytics

Five (p/t) staff reached out and connected (in English and French) with 395 community partner initiatives across Canada, via social networking tools which included artbridges.ca (Classifieds, Events, Map and Profile Directory, Memberships, Learning and Resources, Community Blog), newsletters, Twitter, Facebook, videos, surveys and webinars. ArtBridges’ website was updated so that community partners can edit organizational profiles themselves. June 2017 to October 2018: On the website: 12,645 independent users, 41,328 page views, PLUS daily subscribers/followers on the Community Blog: 123, Facebook: 530, & Twitter 1109 =1762 per day x 5 days wk = 8810 wk x 68 wks = 599,080 potential audience/viewers. (This does not include re-tweeting/following community partners’ posts.) Newsletter subscribers approximately: 1167 x 2 newsletters = 2334 potential audience/readers. Survey to 380 community partners x 2 = 760