June 2018 – Artbridges

Archive for June, 2018

Alianait Arts Festival (June 29 – July 2, Iqaluit)

“Alianait Arts Festival, Nunavut’s largest circumpolar arts event, will showcase an exciting lineup of performers, including many Inuit and Indigenous artists. The 2018 line-up includes Greenland’s hottest rock band Nanook. Maori trio Māma Mihirangi & the Mareikura. Dazzling and soulful Juno-nominee Cris Derksen will also be on the stage, along

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Call for Submissions: Yukon Riverside Arts Festival (Deadline June 30)

“The Yukon Riverside Arts Festival provides an accessible environment for community members and visitors to interact with and celebrate the arts. The Festival welcomes artists practicing traditional and contemporary art forms and features exhibitions, artist demonstrations, lectures, live music, art installations, and art market, and more!” For more information, please

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Welcome to this Place (MABELLEarts)

“Welcome to this Place is a national project, produced by MABELLEarts, involving high-impact organizations and professional artists in Toronto, Montreal, Halifax, Winnipeg and Vancouver. Together we’re creating a series of collaborative projects and events that promote urban parks and public spaces as places of arrival where newcomers to Canada can

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Guide pédagogique pour les écoles Unesco: Wapikoni mandaté

 “Le Wapikoni mobile est très fier d’avoir été mandaté par la Commission canadienne de l’UNESCO (CCUNESCO) pour la rédaction d’un guide pédagogique autochtone. Mélanie Brière, coordonnatrice des ateliers de sensibilisation pour le Wapikoni mobile, planche actuellement sur la conception d’un guide pédagogique qui aura pour objectif d’offrir aux enseignant.es des

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Submit your award nomination! / Soumettez votre candidature pour les prix honorifiques!

(Vous trouverez le message en français à la suite) ArtBridges/ToileDesArts is now collecting nominations for the 4th Annual Recognition Awards for community-engaged arts initiatives, community partners and ArtBridges’ Member initiatives. These awards will showcase remarkable work in community-engaged arts taking place in Canada. There are three categories: 1) Innovation  2) Resiliency  3) Creativity One award

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