July 2020 – Artbridges

Archive for July, 2020

ArtSpace: A Space for Meaningful Interactions, Community Conversations & Creating Art (Ribbon Rouge Foundation, Alberta)

“Limited spots available! Register by August 8th! Are you African, Caribbean, Black? Looking for a space to build community and form connections? Looking to express yourself? ArtSpaces are events designed for meaningful interactions and community conversations with African, Carribean, Black individuals, with the intention of building relationships and forming social

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Calls for Proposals: Research on funding for Indigenous artists, arts groups, and arts organizations (ArtsNL, Newfoundland and Labrador)

“ArtsNL is reissuing the request for proposals from individuals willing to travel to the territories of the province’s five main Indigenous groups in order to help ArtsNL determine the best way to deliver funding within its mandate that targets the specific needs of Indigenous artists, arts groups and arts organizations

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Call to Indigenous artists, authors, and media makers: Create to Learn@Home (imagineNATIVE & TakingITGlobal)

Develop a Create to Learn Series! “TakingITGlobal’s Create to Learn program has launched an at-home training initiative in partnership with imagineNATIVE to support students who are interested in learning digital skills through our online video database or through our Create to Learn App. We are looking for Indigenous artists, authors,

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Call for Donations (Sudbury Street Arts)

“Sudbury Street Arts launched in the fall of 2019 as a weekly arts drop-in space reserved for low-income folks and homeless and/or street involved people. Each Wednesday we’d gather as community members with mixed and shared experiences of homelessness, extreme poverty, immigration, queer identity, gender-based violence, disability, Indigeneity and racialization,

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Appel à projet : Métissages Urbains

Métissages Urbains “Le programme Métissages Urbains accueille des artistes en résidence dans notre espace commun: la rue. Accompagné.e.s d’un médiateur ou d’une médiatrice de notre équipe, les artistes co-créent des œuvres (peinture, son, projection, architecture…) avec les passant.e.s afin de créer un lieu d’échanges et de rencontres improbables entre tous les citoyens

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