November 2021 – Page 2 – Artbridges

Archive for November, 2021

AGELESS International Film Festival (Nov 18-21, online)

“AGELESS celebrates the sweet, the bitter and the better aspects of living longer and living wiser. Thursday, November 18th – Sunday, November 21st. This festival shines a spotlight on older adults, both on screen and behind the camera. AGELESS (formerly Silver Scenes) is an incorporated, not-for-profit International Film Festival creating

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Let’s Talk Art: Culturally Diverse Aesthetics in Mural Art (Nov 17, online)

“Wed, November 17, 20215:00 PM – 6:30 PM EST Gain insight into how international cultural aesthetics have influenced three award winning newcomer artists in Canada. Presented in partnership with Mural Routes as part of the National Mural Symposium. Supported by RBC Newcomer Spotlight Program. In this online panel, multidisciplinary artists Poonam Sharma, Aitak Sorahitalab, and Kseniya Tsoy will

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La diffusion des arts autochtones et le rôle des centres culturels (OMEC)

“L’Observatoire des médiations culturelles a pour mandat de suivre l’évolution des pratiques sur le terrain de l’action culturelle et de la médiation au Québec. Dans ce cadre, le cycle de webinaires DIALOGUESCULTURES ENGAGEMENT souhaite ouvrir un espace de réflexion, de discussion et de dialogue autour d’actions culturelles engagées et ancrées

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2021 CUE Grant Cycle

“Grants for new-generation artists living and working on the margins. Apply for a $1000 grant to produce an art project in any discipline! GRANTS ARE FOR ARTISTS WHO are new-generation artists living and working on the margins, and facing systemic barriers to accessing professional arts opportunities. NOTE: You must speak

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STORIES OF NOW: Vignette – Acorn Arts Project (Toronto)

STORIES OF NOW Vignette – Acorn Arts Project (Toronto) “STORIES OF NOW” is part of a project ArtBridges is working on with Judith Marcuse Projects’ ASCN (Arts for Social Change Network) and ICASC. It is about gathering and sharing stories emanating from the field now and about what issues and

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Join the Empathy Squad! The power of storytelling – Youth Volunteer Opportunity (Future Leaders Age 18-30)

“Virtual Volunteer Opportunity (Future Leaders Age 18-30) Volunteer for the Empathy Squad to make a difference in your community through the power of storytelling. In the midst of global upheaval, and the search for social, class, and racial justice, we are looking for volunteers to generate empathy-building dialogue through the collection

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