December 2021 – Artbridges

Archive for December, 2021

Mentorship in Community Engaged Arts – A Virtual Dialogue (Jan 11)

“Join us for a virtual dialogue with artist-facilitators, activists and researchers across Canada to share practices, innovations, challenges and hopes for mentorship in the field of community-engaged arts.  Through small-group dialogues, we’ll explore key qualities of mentorship, how mentorship has adapted during the pandemic and what supports are needed to

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Submit your award nomination! / Soumettez votre candidature pour les prix honorifiques!

(Vous trouverez le message en français à la suite) ArtBridges/ToileDesArts is now collecting nominations for the 7th Annual Recognition Awards!  More than ever, because of the pandemic, connection and community engagement matters! We have been learning about the many ways community-engaged arts initiatives have been working with their communities and pivoting

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Calling all Indigenous Screenwriters!: The imagineNATIVE Institute Screenwriting Features Lab 2022

“The Indigenous Screenwriting Features Lab supports four Indigenous screenwriters, two residing in Canada and two residing internationally. Over the course of the year, each participant will develop an original feature film script from concept/treatment to final draft. The program will culminate with the preparation and completion of a pitch package

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Afrique en cirque par Cirque Kalabante Productions

“Le spectacle Afrique En Cirque symbolise la force, l’agilité et le talent artistique que l’on trouve dans la culture africaine. Une poignée d’acrobates audacieux, accompagnés de leurs musiciens, se produisent au rythme palpitant des djembés de Guinée avec leurs chorégraphies et acrobaties authentiques et originales. Au son mélodieux de la Kora, Yamoussa

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