4th Annual New Brunswick Musicians Emerge Festival (Charlotte Street Arts Centre) – Artbridges

4th Annual New Brunswick Musicians Emerge Festival (Charlotte Street Arts Centre)

4th Annual New Brunswick Musicians Emerge Festival (Charlotte Street Arts Centre)

musicians emerge fest - poster

“JOIN US for the 4th annual New Brunswick Musicians Emerge Festival Friday, November 14th and Saturday, November 15th. Doors open 7:30pm and shows start 8pm in the Auditorium.
Tickets are available at the door, or advance festival passes can be purchased from Reads Newsstand, Tony’s Music Box, Backstreet Records, ReNeu Boutique, Second Spin Records, or from the CSAC admin office in Room 200, 732 Charlotte Street. Tickets are $10/$7 per night or $15/$10 for a festival pass (regular admission/ student, senior or underemployed admission).”

-submitted by Charlotte Street Arts Centre
Read Charlotte Street Arts Centre’s profile in ArtBridges’ Community-Engaged Arts Directory and Map

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