The Art Hive Symposium: explore, learn, reflect, and co-design possibilities for arts-based social inclusion projects (Montreal) – Artbridges

The Art Hive Symposium: explore, learn, reflect, and co-design possibilities for arts-based social inclusion projects (Montreal)

The Art Hive Symposium: explore, learn, reflect, and co-design possibilities for arts-based social inclusion projects (Montreal)

Art Hive Symposium

“Three days to explore, learn, reflect, and co-design possibilities for the dissemination of arts-based social inclusion projects across Canada.

During the symposium, participants will have the opportunity to visit and make art in Montreal’s art hives, learn about the practice and model, as well as draw on their experience and expertise to collectively imagine how the model can be replicated or adapted within their own communities.

Intended for individuals starting or already running an art hive, those who are interested in developing small creative hubs for university-community collaboration through the arts, including funding partners, academics, and community-based professionals interested in extending the reach of this work.

The Art Hive Symposium
Transforming neighbourhoods through Art Hives
MONTREAL: June 13-14-15, 2014

June 13 (starting at noon) until June 15 (ending at noon)

Registration will open as of mid-April, 2014. Please contact us at for more information or to express your interest in participating. Further information will be available at shortly.”

-submitted by Janis Timm-Bottos

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