Free Evaluation 201 Workshop for Youth (ArtReach Toronto) – Artbridges

Free Evaluation 201 Workshop for Youth (ArtReach Toronto)

Free Evaluation 201 Workshop for Youth (ArtReach Toronto)

ArtReach Toronto logo“Are you running a project or program in your community? Understand the reasons for and basics of evaluating your program? Wondering about the best ways to plan your evaluation activities and get the info about the effectiveness and success of your work?

In this higher level workshop, respected evaluation consultants Margo Charlton and Fiona Scott will help us delve further into the topic than our earlier Evaluation 101 workshop. Participants will examine evaluation tools, have an opportunity to design tools such as surveys and questionnaires, and create overall evaluation plans for their programs.

Date: Thursday, Sept 4 2014
Registration/Food: 5:30pm
Workshop Start Time: 6:00pm SHARP!
Location: Metro Hall (55 John St), #308


Space is limited so register today!

Evaluation Consultants Margo Charlton and Fiona Scott

This workshop is part of the larger GOAL (Grassroots Organizing and Leadership) Youth Workshop Series being organized by a collaborative group made up of youth organizations and funders. A certificate will be provided to participants who attend 5 or more workshops in the series. For more information, contact Education Manager Irfan Ali at

The GOAL Youth Workshop Series is presented by ArtReach Toronto in partnership with Grassroots Youth Collaborative, City of Toronto, For Youth Initiative, and Toronto Community Foundation. We would also like to acknowledge our funding partners, the Ontario Trillium Foundation and the Laidlaw Foundation, without whose support this project would not be possible.”

-from ArtReach Toronto’s newsletter
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