All Nations Healin’ Thru Artz: Free youth arts workshops starting Sept. 8 (Regina) – Artbridges

All Nations Healin’ Thru Artz: Free youth arts workshops starting Sept. 8 (Regina)

All Nations Healin’ Thru Artz: Free youth arts workshops starting Sept. 8 (Regina)


Engaged and Empowered Youth of All Nations For Healthy Communities

We provide free arts experiences that build and enhance transferable skills and self-worth to diverse youth through a resource rich partnership of professionals supported by a committed organizational structure.

We are Nurturing & Compassionate, Holistic, Inspiring, Fun-Loving and Respectful

All Nations Healin’ Thru Arts is a non-profit community arts organization that links professional artists with youth in Regina to collaboratively create and showcase artistic work and projects.

We provide positive community level, artistic programming that allows youth living in Regina, opportunities to collaborate with professional artists. We strive to empower youth to: tell their stories in their own voices, build skills, develop confidence, pride and self-esteem, achieve success and participate in their community. Our artistic programs and projects are intended to promote voice, identity, culture, healing, artistic skill development, social development, community development, awareness and understanding.

Our programs will respond to the needs expressed by the youth who participate in them. Professional artists are hired to provide workshops in the artistic disciplines youth are interested in

Youth aged 13-22 are invited to attend our programs and have the opportunity to work towards the development of an annual production.

Starting Tuesday, September 8th, FREE workshops will be held every MONDAY through WEDNESDAY, 5-7pm, at the YWCA, 1940 McIntyre St. (downstairs). Supper and transportation provided.

Every THURSDAY at Albert Scott Community Association, 1264 Athol St. (2nd floor board room), there will be FREE employment workshops (September to December) and First Nations and Métis Elder teachings (January to April).

Visit the All Nations Healin’ Thru Artz Facebook page for more info.

Posted with permission from Monica Fogel
Read All Nations Healin’ Thru Artz profile in our Community-Engaged Arts Directory and Map

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