SHINE Music Bursaries (Deadline: Nov 30, 2017) – Artbridges

SHINE Music Bursaries (Deadline: Nov 30, 2017)

SHINE Music Bursaries (Deadline: Nov 30, 2017)


“The SHINE Music Bursary is an annual financial award intended to support young musicians who wish to further their study or practice of traditional or folk music. Award amounts vary, up to a maximum of $2,000. This bursary is available to youth who:

  • Face financial barriers which impede their practice and/or study of music
  • Are between the ages of 16 and 24
  • Are seeking to further their study or practice of traditional or folk music
  • Are living in the Greater Toronto Area

Funding for the SHINE Music Bursary is raised through our annual SHINE! Concert and through generous donations from individuals and groups. Donations are welcome throughout the year and can be made by clicking on the Donate Now button.

Candidates wishing to apply may do so at any time throughout the year. Applications received by 30 November will be considered for this year by our Selection Committee, made up of music industry professionals, performers and youth agency workers, among others. This year’s award(s) will be announced early in the new year and will be presented at the next SHINE! concert fundraising event. Applications received after the 30 November submission deadline will be considered among the following years’ applications.

Info and application guidelines available here:,

Deadline is Nov 30, 2017

-from SHINE website

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