‘The Stories We Share’ Zine Launch (Sick Muse Art Projects) – Artbridges

‘The Stories We Share’ Zine Launch (Sick Muse Art Projects)

‘The Stories We Share’ Zine Launch (Sick Muse Art Projects)

The Stories We Share Zine Launch

Date: Thursday, March 15, 2018
Time: 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Location: Members’ Lounge (Toronto City Hall)
100 Queen Street West, Toronto Ontario

Please contact Sick Muse Art Projects to confirm attendance.

About this Community Arts Project:

THE STORIES WE SHARE, a series of creative writing workshops for refugee and/or newcomer women (persons who self-identify as women) living in Toronto. Over 25 women from different backgrounds participated in creative writing, collectively creating poetry and sharing their stories of migration to Canada through the process. The workshops were led by 6 women writers, poets and spoken word artists who, through the creation of a safe space, allowed women to connect with each other and share their journeys.

THE STORIES WE SHARE ZINE: Stories of Goodbyes, Journeys, Arrivals and New Homes were complied in a printed publication, supported by women visual artists (newcomers and first- and second-generation immigrants) who contributed their talent by illustrating the work of project participants.

More than 60 women are involved in this initiative.

This project is funded by Toronto Arts Council through the Newcomer & Refugee Engagement Program

About Sick Muse Art Projects:
Sick Muse Art Projects is a Community Arts collective dedicated to working with
refugees and newcomers, specifically those who have experienced violence in their
lives. Sick Muse Art Projects has been actively engaged with various refugee
communities for over six years.

The Canada Council for the Arts recently invited our Program Director to present Sick Muse Art Projects work at the Global Dialogues: Migrants and Refugees Conference, organized by the Ministry of Culture of Argentina, and the European Union National Institutes for Culture.”

To learn more about Sick Muse Art Projects and their programs and projects, please visit: http://www.sickmuseartprojects.org

-from Sick Muse Art Projects
Read Sick Muse Art Projects’ profile in ArtBridges’ Community-Engaged Arts Directory and Map.

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