Webinar: Evaluating Arts for Social Change & Community-Engaged Arts Projects – Artbridges

Webinar: Evaluating Arts for Social Change & Community-Engaged Arts Projects

Webinar: Evaluating Arts for Social Change & Community-Engaged Arts Projects

“Join The Ontario Trillium Foundation’s Knowledge Centre in collaboration with ASC! Project for:

Evaluating Arts for Social Change & Community-Engaged Arts Projects

How can we evaluate arts for social change and community-engaged arts work? Why do we evaluate and for whom? What approaches and methods can be used? What ethical issues emerge?

In this webinar, hosts Dr. Annalee Yassi and Patricia Gray will demonstrate an online interactive evaluation tool developed through the ASC! Project at the University of British Columbia. This toolkit is for anyone interested in evaluating an art for social change or community-engaged arts project, whether an artist, community organization member, funder, or researcher.

This webinar aims to clearly explain the concepts, theories and practical challenges involved in evaluation, while assuming minimal previous knowledge.

Users of the tool can:

  • follow a step-by-step approach to evaluation
  • access examples from across the globe and different art forms
  • obtain templates of questionnaires and interview guides
  • obtain creative ideas; and interact with sample scenarios introducing a range of complex issues

Registration for this webinar closes on May 28 at 5:00PM.”

-from ASC! Project

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