“Create to Learn at Home: Indigenous Content Providers are invited to share their digital skills!
TakingITGlobal’s Create to Learn program is launching an at-home training initiative in partnership with imagineNATIVE to support students unable to attend school because of closures for COVID-19 social distancing.
We are looking for Indigenous artists, authors, and media makers who have skills related to creativity and/or digital content production to share in tutorial videos! We are offering a stipend of $250 per video for an individual video or a series of 4 or 8 videos sharing your skills with students and youth who will be inspired by your talents!
Videos will remain your property, but by participating in this initiative you also give TakingITGlobal and imagineNATIVE perpetual, royalty-free rights to reproduce and share your video(s) free of charge with youth across Canada for learning purposes. By participating, you agree to post/share your videos on Instagram and/or Facebook using the #CreateToLearn hashtag and tag @create2learn + @takingitglobal + @imaginenative. You can create and share tutorial videos as soon as you receive an acceptance e-mail, and all videos must be posted/shared by March 31, 2020.”
For more information and to apply, please visit the Create To Learn online form.
-from imagineNATIVE