A Hands-On Exchange about Community Arts (ACI Manitoba & Judith Marcuse, ICASC)

A Hands-On Exchange about Community Arts (ACI Manitoba & Judith Marcuse, ICASC)


ACI Manitoba and Judith Marcuse (Director of the International Centre of Art for Social Changeinvite you to join a conversation and workshop to explore the challenges (and successes) of community-engaged work in the arts.

Designed as an opportunity for knowledge exchange about practices, polices and theories underlying this diverse change field, we will explore topics ranging from teaching and learning, arts-infused facilitation, evaluation and impact assessment, to the development of partnerships.

Everyone interested in this fast-developing discipline is invited to join the dialogue/workshop!

Please wear comfortable clothing as we will be moving around!

Date: Friday, January 29, 2015
Time: 9:30am to 4:30 pm (1 hour lunch)
Price: $50 for ACI members
Registration Deadline: January 15, 2016

To register email admin@creativemanitoba.ca or phone (204) 927-2787.

If cost is a barrier to participation, please contact carol@creativemanitoba.ca.”

-submitted by ACI Manitoba

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