About ArtBridges – A Hub for Community-
Engaged Arts Across Canada
This section will help you to learn more about ArtBridges – what we’re currently doing, why we do it, who’s on the team and our history.
What ArtBridges/ToileDesArts does

Informs people about community-engaged arts and the benefits of arts for social change in Canada

Provides a free, Canada-wide hub for community-engaged arts initiatives

Connects people with community arts initiatives, events and opportunities

Helps to improve access to arts and art-making for Canadians living in remote, under-resourced and under-serviced communities
ArtBridges' history
Find out about ArtBridges overarching goals and specific current activities.
Stories from across the provinces and territories
Find out about how we initially researched community arts initiatives across Canada and about the summaries of our findings.
The benefits of community-engaged arts
Learn about some of the benefits of community-engaged arts. Read and watch inspiring stories, videos and testimonials…
About the ArtBridges team
Find out about ArtBridges. See who helps out on the Advisory. Read bios about current staff, consultants and founders. Learn how students are involved.