A Special Thank You to the Supporters of
ArtBridges/ ToileDesArts!
Your generosity has made it possible for ArtBridges/ToileDesArts to nurture community-engaged arts across Canada. You are a vital partner in ArtBridges/ToileDesArts’ important work and sustainability.
ArtBridging [ahrt-brij-ing] verb.
Creating networks and collaborations between community arts projects, programs, organizations, resources with the outcome being positive benefits to Canadian communities. Créer une toile de réseaux et faciliter la collaboration entre des projets, des programmes, des organismes et des ressources en arts communautaires dans le but d’enrichir des communautés canadiennes.
Origin: 2008 Artbridges/ToileDesArts
Our generous supporters 2013-21

Degeneration X Investments Inc.
A sponsorship was made in recognition of Majengo Canada for The Majengo Children’s Home in Tanzania.
We also wish to thank our donors who have chosen to remain anonymous.
ArtBridges/ToileDesArts is a unique, emerging and free Canada-wide hub for community-engaged arts initiatives. ArtBridges/ToileDesArts informs and connects people about community-engaged arts in Canada and the benefits of arts for social change.
To learn more about ArtBridges/ToileDesArts, please email our Project Director, Seanna Connell.