Micro-grants for emerging artists or collectives to create, engage and inspire! Platform A / Art Starts (Toronto) – Artbridges

Micro-grants for emerging artists or collectives to create, engage and inspire! Platform A / Art Starts (Toronto)

Micro-grants for emerging artists or collectives to create, engage and inspire! Platform A / Art Starts (Toronto)

artstarts-microgrants“Microgrants are back!
How would you engage Toronto with art?
Art Starts is now offering 12 micro-grants in amounts up to $1000 for emerging artists or collectives to create, engage and inspire!

Deadline: October 30th 2014
Proposals in all artistic disciplines are welcome. For more info or to apply, please visit http://www.artstarts.net/micrograntinfo

-submitted by Art Starts, from newsletter
Read Art Starts’ profile in ArtBridges’ Community-Engaged Arts Directory and Map

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