Art Starts Video Series: 20 Years, 20 Stories! (Toronto) – Artbridges

Art Starts Video Series: 20 Years, 20 Stories! (Toronto)

Art Starts Video Series: 20 Years, 20 Stories! (Toronto)

“This fall Art Starts is celebrating 20 years of using the arts as a vehicle to encourage social change in Toronto neighbourhoods. In honour of this anniversary Art Starts approached some of the talented individuals who have contributed to their success and asked them to share their favourite Art Starts story. The result is this series of 20 videos featuring those stories, past and present, produced by the very talented Monica Gutierrez. Over the course of the next 20 weeks, Art Starts will release these stories to you one by one, leading up to their fall celebrations.”

-posted with permission from Liz Forsberg, Art Starts

The first  installment of Art Starts’ 20 years, 20 stories video series features Elizabeth Cinello, one of the co-founders of Art Starts. To view other videos from the Art Starts’ “20 Years, 20 Stories” series, please visit their Youtube Channel and subscribe! You can also subscribe to Art Starts’ newsletter to keep up with the upcoming videos (subscribe here!).

-Lisa, ArtBridges

For more information on Art Starts, read their profile.
Please see ArtBridge’s Google Map for contact information.

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