Upcoming ArtFare Essentials Workshops (Jumbiles Theatre, Toronto) – Artbridges

Upcoming ArtFare Essentials Workshops (Jumbiles Theatre, Toronto)

Upcoming ArtFare Essentials Workshops (Jumbiles Theatre, Toronto)


Dates: December 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 2016; January 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 2017
Times: 9:30 to 5:30 daily, with optional evening events and end party
Location: The Ground Floor, 132 Fort York Blvd. with excursions to other sites

What is it?
• An introduction to principles and practices of art that engages with and creates community,
• Everything (or many things!) you need to know to start your own community arts project,
• An orientation to potential future work, internships or micro-grant projects with Jumblies,
• A coming-together of artists, arts managers, cultural workers and others interested in community-engaged arts, of varied ages, experiences and backgrounds, from Toronto, across Canada and abroad.
• An integrated mix of presentation, discussion, hands-on activity, creative exploration, site visits and takehome
• A fun, inspirational, thought-provoking, immersive 6-day experience.

Topics covered include:
• Definitions, terms and guiding principles
• Project envisioning and planning
• Partnerships
• Research (e.g. arts and story-based, oral history)
• Facilitation
• Aesthetics and ethics
• Interdisciplinary and cross-cultural collaboration
• Diversity (age, culture, class, ability) and inclusion
• Navigating conflicts and challenges
• History of Jumblies, Offshoots, community arts
• Evaluation and documentation
• Legacy and sustainability

Facilitators: Ruth Howard (Jumblies Artistic Director), with other Jumblies staff and Offshoot associates, and some special guest artists and presenters.
Cost: $300 (much appreciated if you can afford it, and some subsidized places are available – please ask)
Meals: Some are provided, some are pot-luck, some are bring-your-own
Certification: Attendees will receive a certificate of completion from the Jumblies Studio
We can also support out-of-town attendees through finding free or affordable accommodation, and sometimes through travel subsidies and bursaries, connected with specific funding programs (e.g. our current Youth Artist Exchange).

This workshop is respected in Toronto and across Canada as a qualification for community arts employment and funding.

For more information please contact: info@jumbliestheatre.org or 416 203 8428″

-submitted by Jumblies Theatre
Read Jumblies’ Profile on ArtBridges’ Community-Engaged Arts Directory & Map

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