Asinabka Film & Media Arts Festival (Sept 16-20, Online)

Asinabka Film & Media Arts Festival (Sept 16-20, Online)

Celebrating Indigenous Arts in CyberSpace,
Algonquin Territory, Ottawa, Canada
Sept. 16-20, 2020

“The 9th annual Asinabka Festival is excited to present the best contemporary Indigenous film and music from Canada and around the world.  The Festival takes place online over 5 days with films hosted on the festival website, and music performances live-streamed on social media.

This year’s festival has made the decision to present all film and arts programming online to prioritize the safety of festival goers, and to still continue to support and celebrate Indigenous artists.  

Our schedule includes 16 separate film programs, including 8 feature length films, and 64 short films, representing 10 different countries including: Canada, United States, Mexico, Brazil, Costa Rica, Greenland, Norway, Australia, New Zealand, and Papua New Guinea.

We’re honoured and delighted to be able to present all of this year’s programming and artistic talent, please join us virtually on the Asinabka Festival Website and on our social media.”

-from Asinabka Festival

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