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All Posts by codepxl

Call for Applications: Arts Forward Workshops

“For  30 years, Art Starts has created vibrant communities through community-based arts programming for emerging and newcomer artists living in our community. In 2023, 15 artists across all artistic disciplines will have the opportunity to move Arts Forward by designing a workshop in a neighbourhood or community of their choice. If you are an artist facilitator

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Profile Highlight: Southampton Arts

As ArtBridges’ Community-Engaged Arts Directory grows, we realize that it’s a bit overwhelming to read through all of the profiles. We’re hoping that by occasionally highlighting some profiles on our blog, you may learn about an initiative that you may not have initially seen in the directory. Also, if you know of

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Call for Performing Artists (Prologue Performing Arts)

“Call for artists offering both in-person and digital performances and workshops in schools and communities for the 2023/2024 season NOW OPEN! Deadline to apply: February 14, 2023 Prologue Performing Arts is seeking professional performing artists to join our 2023-24 roster of artists working in schools and communities across Ontario. Prologue

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Offre d’emploi : Cinéastes-mentor.e.s et intervenant.e.s-facilitateurs.trices / Job Opportunities: Filmmaker Mentors and Outreach Workers (Wapikoni mobile)

“L’équipe du Wapikoni prépare les prochaines cohortes du Studio virtuel et planifie déjà les prochaines escales avec nos Studios mobiles pour l’été 2023. Nous sommes à la recherche de cinéastes-mentor.e.s et d’intervenant.e.s-facilitateurs.trices pour accompagner les participant.e.s dans la création de leurs projets. Si tu souhaites vivre une expérience professionnelle inoubliable

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Happy New Year! / Bonne année !

Happy New Year! We’re back in the office and back at posting, learning about new things in the community-engaged arts and arts for social change field across Canada, and pulling together information and resources that we find, or are passed on to us, to share with you. Work in this

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