Opportunity for Aboriginal artists from across Canada to submit an EOI for Bala Pedestrian Underpass Project in Toronto – Artbridges

Opportunity for Aboriginal artists from across Canada to submit an EOI for Bala Pedestrian Underpass Project in Toronto

Opportunity for Aboriginal artists from across Canada to submit an EOI for Bala Pedestrian Underpass Project in Toronto


The City of Toronto invites Aboriginal artists to submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) to participate in StreetARToronto’s Bala Pedestrian Underpass Project.  The goal of this project is to beautify and animate the underpass with a mural representative of the local, historical indigenous perspective.  This project is being implemented by StreetARToronto (StART), part of the Public Realm Section of the City of Toronto’s Transportation Services Division.

The purpose of the EOI is to generate a list of artists or artist collaborations interested in this project.  Based on relevant professional credentials and preliminary design concepts a short-list of applicants will be invited to respond to a Request for Proposal. At the final stage of the selection process, proposals will be reviewed and artists will be recommended for the project.

Application Deadline:  Monday, May 11, 2015 by 4:30pm

Total Project Budget: up to $30,000

Download the application package HERE!”

*** NOTE: This project is open to artists outside the GTA. The artist would need to include their travel expenses within the budget if they are chosen.

Posted with permission from Denise Bolduc

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