Call for Film/Video Submissions:
The Rendezvous with Madness Festival (RWM) is the first and largest arts and mental health festival and public discussion forum, hosted each year by Workman Arts in Toronto, Canada. The festival presents local, national and international work exploring themes of mental health and/or addiction issues.
We are now accepting film/video submissions for consideration for screening in the Rendezvous With Madness Festival in a cinema context (whether on-site and/or online).
We are accepting submissions of all genres, lengths/durations and forms that highlight, discuss or intersect with topics of mental health, addiction, recovery and wellness. We’re especially interested in works by creators with lived mental health and/or addictions experiences.
For more information, please visit: https://workmanarts.com/rendezvous-with-madness/submissions/
Call for Exhibition Submissions:
“The Rendezvous with Madness Festival (RWM) is the first and largest arts and mental health festival and public discussion forum, hosted each year by Workman Arts in Toronto, Canada. The festival presents local, national and international work exploring themes of mental health and/or addiction issues.
We are now accepting submissions for consideration for exhibition in the Rendezvous With Madness Festival in a visual art exhibition context (whether on-site and/or online; on-site location pending)
We are accepting submissions of recent artwork of all media, sizes, and content that highlight, discuss or intersect with topics of mental health, addiction, recovery and wellness. We’re especially interested in works by creators with lived mental health and/or addictions experiences.
For this exhibition, we are prioritizing larger-scale installations and thematically related series of works over single, smaller-scale works (for example, a series of paintings, prints or photographs or an immersive installation over a single painting). All visual arts media are eligible, such as painting, photography, sculpture, printmaking, textile, collage, installation, media-based art, performance art, video art, etc. Artwork content of all kinds is eligible; however priority is given to explorations of diverse, non-normative, contemporary lived experiences of mental health and addiction. This year we are strongly encouraging digital artwork that is suitable for a range of virtual platforms (we are open to proposals identified in submission).“
For more information, please visit: https://workmanarts.com/rendezvous-with-madness/submissions/
-from Workman Arts