“We now welcome applications to the FUTURES/forward mentorship program!
→ Are you a community-engaged artist – aged 21 or older – who would benefit from being mentored by a senior community-engaged, art for social change (ASC) artist? Are you passionate about climate justice?
→ Are you a seasoned community-engaged artist interested in being a mentor to share your experience and wisdom with those newer to the field?
→ Do you work with an environmental organization looking to add depth and reach to your programs by integrating arts into your communications, education, outreach, engagement or research strategies?
The FUTURES/forward program, now looking forward to a fourth cohort, enables senior and less-experienced artists to work together to enrich their perspectives and practices, meeting regularly over six months. Both artists receive compensation for their work (more details below).
Partnership with environmental organizations/local community partners can enliven existing programs; develop new approaches to include arts-infused initiatives; offer innovative communications strategies, provide inclusive and interactive educational programs and enrich public engagement and advocacy.
Please read through the program description and application process carefully.
The application deadline is extended to OCTOBER 31, 2021!
Here’s how FUTURES/forward works:
STREAM 1. Triad
Mid-career artist/mentee, mentored by a senior community-engaged artist practitioner, will become an artist-in-residence collaborating with an environmental organization over six months.
Early-career artist/mentee will be mentored by a senior community-engaged artist as they create their own environmentally-focused project in their chosen community.
Placement in either of these streams is determined by a national selection committee.
We look forward to hearing from candidates who represent the broad range of our sector including (but not limited to) those who are Indigenous, Black, People of Colour, LGBTQ2+, and of mixed abilities.“
For more information, please visit: https://icasc.ca/futures-forward-call-for-applications/