Call for Applications: Platform A (Toronto)

Call for Applications: Platform A (Toronto)


Platform A is a strategic initiative of the Toronto Arts Council in collaboration with Art Starts, Jumblies Theatre, SKETCH/CUE, and VIBE Arts. Each organization is offering grants of up to $1000 each to support art projects.

Platform A grants from Toronto Arts Council are for artists who:

  • Reside in Toronto
  • Have experience in any art form or tradition
  • Have not received funding from the Toronto Arts Council, Ontario Arts Council, Canada Council for the Arts, or other substantial arts funding
  • Can work on their project between January and April 2017
  • Can present or share their project at a public showcase in June 2017

In addition, each organization has its own criteria. Applicants may apply to ONE of the following organizations:

Art Starts grants fund:

  • New generation and newcomer artists
  • Projects that engage a community with which the artist is connected


Jumblies grants fund:

  • Artists of any age
  • Community-engaged art projects


CUE (with SKETCH) grants fund:

  • New generation artists who live and work on the margins;
  • Independent art projects in any discipline


VIBE Arts grants fund:

  • Aritsts up to 29 years old from underserved communities
  • Projects that engage a communiy with which the artist is connected



-submitted by Jumblies Theatre
See the profiles of Art StartsVIBE ArtsJumblies Theatre & SKETCH in ArtBridges’ Community-Engaged Arts Directory and Map

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