Call for Illustrations: imagineNATIVE and Setsuné Tote Bag Project – Artbridges

Call for Illustrations: imagineNATIVE and Setsuné Tote Bag Project

Call for Illustrations: imagineNATIVE and Setsuné Tote Bag Project


Setsuné Indigenous Fashion Incubator and imagineNATIVE Film + Media Arts Festival are partnering for the second year on the Tote Bag Illustration Project! In 2015, Victoria Ransom (Mohawk of Akwesasne) was the selected artist for this project. Her work, Turtle Island Harmony, used traditional Iroquois motifs that aesthetically represented the uplifting feeling that happens when Indigenous people from all over gather for special occasions. This year we are seeking an illustration that shows and tells your perspective for the revolution and future of the global Indigenous community.

We are seeking one-colour illustrations from around the world by young, self-identified Indigenous artists aged 16-35. Your illustration expresses Indigenous revolution and the future and will be printed on imagineNATIVE’s 2016 Delegate Tote Bag. We will select one totally rad illustration to be printed on imagineNATIVE’s 600 delegate bags. Delegate bags are gifted to local, national and international guests in Toronto who work in film, TV, broadcast, new media and entertainment. A limited run will also be sold at the Festival’s Welcome Gathering event on opening day of the Festival (October 19, 2016).

Deadline: September 16, 2016


  • Standard CARFAC artist fee (from section B.4.3.1. Cards, Etc. Distributed Free of Charge)
  • Artwork and name printed on 600 delegate bags
  • Networking opportunity, with one (1) imagineNATIVE Festival pass
  • Participate in and/or oversee the product development process
  • Two (2) Delegate Bags for your archives
  • Full sponsorship for the Setsuné Indigenous Fashion Incubator’s 2017 Research & Development Workshop Series (Toronto-based, travel/accommodations are not provided at this time)


  • Self-identifying Indigenous woman artist
  • From anywhere in the world
  • Aged 16 – 35


We are accepting digital applications to The email subject line should read: “Application: imagineNATIVE/Setsuné Project”

1. In 1 – 2 pages, please provide the following as a PDF:
◦ Contact Information

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Indigenous Nation
  • Email
  • Phone

◦ Biography
◦ One paragraph Artist Statement as it relates to future, revolution and Indigeneity.

2. As a JPG, please provide the following copy of your artwork, which should be:

  • One-colour
  • Within 13”W X 14”H dimensions
  • An expression of future, revolution and Indigeneity

If your work is selected, we will require a high-quality vector file of your artwork. We can provide some assistance for this, if needed.


imagineNATIVE and Setsuné artistic leads will select the artist and their work. We will select artwork based on creativity, quality, messaging and aesthetic.
Only the artist whose work is selected will be contacted. The selected artist will be announced on September 19, 2016.

** Email is preferred ** / 416 459 8280″

-from imagineNATIVE newsletter
Read imagineNATIVE’s profile on ArtBridges’ Community-Engaged Arts Directory and Map

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