“Call for Proposals: 20th National Mural Symposium, Presented by Mural Routes
November 2021 (date TBC) – Online
Mural Routes invites proposals for participation in the upcoming 20th National Mural Symposium, to be held virtually in the Fall of 2021 (date TBC). The deadline for all submissions is April 19, 2021.
Mural Routes is the only member-based not-for-profit arts service organization in Canada dedicated to the creation, development and promotion of public wall art. Our vision is to inspire the creation of extraordinary public wall art that serves as a catalyst for community building.
The National Mural Symposium is a professional development and networking event for mural artists, administrators and mural producers to teach, learn, share and explore current trends and challenges in the field of mural art. Mural Routes hosts The National Mural Symposium every second year.
Practitioners and researchers of the field are welcome to submit proposals for this conference. Individuals do not need to be Mural Routes members to submit.
Symposium theme: REPRESENTATION
From thanking frontline workers to speaking out against racism, mural art has proven to be a primary medium to deliver essential messages during a global pandemic. With art galleries and museums closed, this artistic practice is now more relevant and current than ever.
In 2020 we also saw a surge of mural projects across Canada that brought underrepresented voices to the forefront. These visual representations of diverse bodies, stories, experiences and aesthetics, aimed to counter dominant media images. A reflection of societal changes across the world, mural art is contributing to making public spaces more inclusive and representative of the communities that inhabit them.
The National Mural Symposium features exciting keynotes, presentations, and an ample amount of time for networking.
We are seeking proposals for:
- 30 min sessions (20 min presentation, 10 min questions) – can be a formal paper, a how-to session, a talk or case study on your own project.
- 90 min sessions (30 min presentation, 40 min discussion, 20 min questions) – can be leading a professional forum (convene a discussion or debate about timely and critical topics of interest to the mural art community), community of practice (meeting around a question, problem, or platform of common interest in the field), an interactive workshop, or a panel discussion.”
For more information, please visit: https://muralroutes.ca/20thsymposiumcall/
-from Mural Routes