Call for Proposals: 2017/18 Professional Guest Artist Series (Art City, Winnipeg) – Artbridges

Call for Proposals: 2017/18 Professional Guest Artist Series (Art City, Winnipeg)

Call for Proposals: 2017/18 Professional Guest Artist Series (Art City, Winnipeg)


Art City invites local, national, and international professional artists to submit proposals to lead collaborative art workshops at our studio in 2017/18.

The Art City studio is located in West Broadway, a culturally diverse and densely populated neighbourhood in the heart of Winnipeg’s inner city. Art City programming is free-of-charge for all ages, engaging an average of 28 participants per evening. Most participants are elementary to middle school age children who live in the West Broadway community. Older youth, adults, and seniors also regularly participate in Art City programs.

  • A Jury of Art City staff, Board, and past Guest Artists selects Guest Artist proposals.
  • Selected Guest Artists will be supported in developing, managing, and facilitating their workshops by the Artistic Director, Studio Manager, staff, and volunteers.
  • Proposals should be designed for a five-day period, Monday to Friday from 3:30 pm to 7:30 pm.
  • Keep in mind that participants attend workshops on a drop in basis, attending on various days, arriving and leaving at different times throughout the evening.
  • Selected Guest Artists will receive $1,500.00 for a five-day workshop. Travel, accommodations, and a per diem will be provided for selected Guest Artists who are based outside of Winnipeg.
  • Selected Guest Artists will be required to obtain a Criminal Record Check and Child Abuse Registry Check, or the equivalent in the jurisdiction in which the artist is based, eligible for reimbursement by Art City.
  • While proposals from pairs or groups of artists will be considered, please note that no additional artist fees are available (i.e. artists must split fees).
  • For funding purposes, the Guest Artist Series is for practicing artists only.

Organizations and arts educators are welcome to contact Art City for other opportunities for collaboration.

Submission Deadline: Monday, February 6th, 2017

Incomplete or late applications will not be considered.

For further information about Art City and the Guest Artist Series, contact Artistic Director, Eddie Ayoub at:”

-from Art City Inc. newsletter
Read Art City’s profile on ArtBridges’ Community-Engaged Arts Directory and Map

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