Call for Submissions (Dec 12th): Mayworks Festival of Working People and the Arts 2017 – Artbridges

Call for Submissions (Dec 12th): Mayworks Festival of Working People and the Arts 2017

Call for Submissions (Dec 12th): Mayworks Festival of Working People and the Arts 2017


Mayworks Festival of Working People and the Arts is an annual multidisciplinary arts festival that celebrates working class culture. As the longest-running labour arts festival in Canada, Mayworks continues to forge new links between artists and workers, encouraging art to inspire labour and labour to incite art.

For our 32nd festival taking place in May 2017, Mayworks welcomes submissions that respond to today’s landscape of precarious work and shared struggles for decent wages and healthy working conditions. From the $15 and Fairness movement, Justice for Migrant Workers’ Harvesting Freedom campaign, to Whippersnapper Gallery’s Do What with Less? research project, we encourage submissions for art projects that address this theme of solidarity against precarity from all disciplines: visual art, film and video, digital media, music, dance, theatre, performance art.

Mayworks provides a platform for emerging artists and established cultural workers to produce new forms of creative resistance that strengthen labour movements and mobilize around ongoing struggles.

Mayworks’ artistic vision commits to diverse programming that includes First Nations people, people of colour, queer and trans people, people with disabilities and young people as audiences and artists. To that end, we highly encourage applicants from members of these equity-seeking groups.

Application Process
Download the 2017 Mayworks Festival Submissions Form 
Send complete submission form and digital support material to: Support material that must be mailed must be sent to our office: 25 Cecil Street, Toronto ON, M5T 1N1.

Deadline for submissions: Monday, December 12, 2016.”

-from Mayworks newsletter

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