Call for Tenants: BC Artscape at the Sun Wah Centre (Vancouver) – Artbridges

Call for Tenants: BC Artscape at the Sun Wah Centre (Vancouver)

Call for Tenants: BC Artscape at the Sun Wah Centre (Vancouver)


bcartscape-logoBC Artscape is excited to launch the Call for Tenants for BC Artscape at the Sun Wah Centre at 268 Keefer Street.

The Call for Tenants explains explains how professional artists, not-for profit arts, cultural and community organizations, and community groups can apply to rent  at the BC Artscape space at 268 Keefer Street. BC Artscape is offering units on the lower level, 3rd floor and 4th floor for, but not limited to: production, exhibition, education, social service provision, programming and administrative space. BC Artscape will also have the rooftop available for programming and parking. Occupancy is expected for October 2017. 

For those that submitted an Expression of Interest, the Call for Tenants process will confirm your interest and ideas.

For new applicants, the Call for Tenants application confirms the amount of space you need, what you want to do in the space, and what you need to make that happen.

The deadline for applications is Friday, March 24th at 3PM. BC Artscape’s goal is to inform applicants by March 31st if they have been selected as tenants, and have lease agreements signed by May 15th, 2017.

Read the Call for Tenants document & submit your application!

Chinese version of the Call for Tenants document

Please visit for more information.”

-from BC Artscape newsletter and website

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