Call for Applications: The 4th Biennial Indigenous Fashion Arts Festival

Call for Applications: The 4th Biennial Indigenous Fashion Arts Festival

“Indigenous Fashion Arts (IFA) presents Indigenous-made/designed fashion, craft and textile works in runway presentations, curated exhibitions, artist talks, panels, lectures, hands-on workshops, and a marketplace for all audiences.

IFA accepts applications of fashion, craft or textile works in any style. The Selections Committee seeks innovative and creative work with a strong artistic vision or brand DNA.

IFA programs 60% or more Indigenous women-identified artists and their fashion, craft and textile works.

Indigenous artists, collectives and brands from across Canada and worldwide are invited to apply to exhibit in the runway and marketplace programs.

Emerging, mid-career and established artists and designers are equally considered for programming. 

A submitted application does not guarantee inclusion in the Festival, as limited programming spots are available.

The words artist and designer are used interchangeably.

All artists exhibited on the runway, in the art exhibition, workshops and/or panels are paid artist fees by IFA based on the CARFAC minimum fee schedule.

Artists selected as a vendor in the marketplace must pay a booth rental fee and are not paid artist fees. IFA does not collect additional commission fees.”

For more information, please visit:

-from Indigenous Fashion Arts

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