Call for Expressions of Interest: Inkling Incubator (Red Dress Productions) – Artbridges

Call for Expressions of Interest: Inkling Incubator (Red Dress Productions)

Call for Expressions of Interest: Inkling Incubator (Red Dress Productions)

“The Inkling Incubator is a Red Dress Productions (RDP) interdisciplinary research project that will convene a diverse working group of Deaf, disabled, hearing, and enabled artists for two five-day intensive, arts-based research workshops.

What arises when Deaf, disabled, hearing, and enabled artists collaborate at the ‘inkling’ phase of a creative project and experiment with creative problem-solving? What strategies can be woven into artistic processes from the start of art-making to increase inclusion, access, and equity for both artists and audiences?

Led by specialized knowledge facilitators, together we’ll explore, experiment with, and develop best practices and processes in integrated and inclusive creative collaboration.

Who is this for?
Artists of all artistic disciplines who have an interest in creating artwork that reflects the multiplicities and richness of the communities it emerges from, while creating new creative communities and modes of working in integrated processes.

The Inkling Incubator will provide artist-researcher participants the opportunity to learn (and unlearn) from each other.

Application deadline: November 23, 2018, 11:59 p.m.

For more information and to apply, please visit Red Dress Productions

-from Red Dress Productions
Read Red Dress Productions’ profile in ArtBridges’ Community-Engaged Arts Directory and Map

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