Call for Submissions: Tangled Art Gallery

Call for Submissions: Tangled Art Gallery

Deadline February 15, 2019

Tangled Art + Disability is currently accepting proposals from Deaf, Mad and Disability-identified artists, and groups, collectives, and organizations engaging in disability curation to be hosted at Tangled Art Gallery.

Tangled is committed to cultivating Deaf, Mad and Disability-led work that engages politically in social practice, advances the conversation around Disability Arts, and disrupts through accessible art practices. Our goal is to foster developing conversations in ‘crip’ aesthetics and support the transformative potential of Disability Arts.

Tangled Art + Disability is accepting submissions to our gallery space for exhibitions in our next exhibition season, July 1, 2019 – June 30, 2020. This call is for curatorial proposals and artists working in all media.

Tangled Art + Disability is boldly redefining how the world experiences art and those who create it. We are a not for profit art + disability organization dedicated to connecting professional and emerging artists, the arts community and a diverse public through creative passion and artistic excellence. Our mandate is to support disability-identified artists, to cultivate Disability Arts in Canada, and to enhance access to the arts for artists and audiences of all abilities.

Tangled Art + Disability will support artists and curators in generating vital work that enhances and expands a ‘crip’ aesthetics, and integrating inclusive practices of access and accessibility. We encourage submissions from diverse communities and cultural backgrounds including Black, Indigenous, POC & LGBTQQIP2SAA. The gallery, located at Suite 122 in the 401 Richmond Building, features 800 square feet of exhibition space. We pay artist fees to artists according to CARFAC standards.”

For more information, please visit

-from Tangled Art + Disability’s website

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