Call for Expressions of Interest: What does Anti-Racism look like to you? Mural (BIPOC Artists in Newfound & Labrador) – Artbridges

Call for Expressions of Interest: What does Anti-Racism look like to you? Mural (BIPOC Artists in Newfound & Labrador)

Call for Expressions of Interest: What does Anti-Racism look like to you? Mural (BIPOC Artists in Newfound & Labrador)

“Application Deadline: Friday, June 25th by midnight.

Calling all BIPOC visual artists! In partnership with the newly forming BIPOC Creators Collective, Eastern Edge Gallery would like to commission a visual artist or artist duo to create a public mural that visualizes anti-racism practices in Newfoundland & Labrador. The mural will be outside of Eastern Edge and will be unveiled during the HOLD FAST Contemporary Arts Festival in late August. Possible themes include the importance of anti-racism work, sharing BIPOC stories and lifting BIPOC voices, and promoting diversity, inclusion, and respect in our communities. In tandem with the mural’s unveiling, the artist(s) will have the opportunity to host an artist talk and lead a collaborative community project with the support of the BIPOC Creators Collective and Eastern Edge. 

The selected artist will be paid $2000 for the completion of the mural, plus fees for additional programming. All materials will be provided.


  • Must be a BIPOC visual artist.
  • Must currently live in Newfoundland and Labrador.”

For more information, please visit:

-from Eastern Edge Gallery

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