Closing Date for Applications: Dec 6, 2019 @ 4:30 pm
“KIAC is seeking instructors for Youth Art Enrichment, a four-day intensive arts program for Yukon high school students, held in Dawson City, Yukon in March 22 – 27, 2020. Each instructor will teach a group of eight to twelve youth in their selected medium for the duration of the program.
The goal of the Youth Art Enrichment program is to provide Yukon youth who have an interest in the arts and creative industries with an intensive learning experience in one discipline, giving them time to develop skills and to learn from professional artists.
Examples of previous Youth Art Enrichment mediums include: Encaustics, Screen-printing, Digital Photography, Carving, Film, Animation, Improv & Acting, Mixed Media, Beading, Drawing, Painting, Paper-making. We are open to new ideas!
Learn more about the program here.“
-from Klondike Institute of Art and Culture
Read KIAC’s profile on ArtBridges’ Community-Engaged Arts Directory and Map