Call for Artist Proposals – outdoor, virtual, pre-recorded, and more: Yukon Riverside Arts Festival (KIAC) – Artbridges

Call for Artist Proposals – outdoor, virtual, pre-recorded, and more: Yukon Riverside Arts Festival (KIAC)

Call for Artist Proposals – outdoor, virtual, pre-recorded, and more: Yukon Riverside Arts Festival (KIAC)

“Although the 20th annual Yukon Riverside Arts Festival will not be a conventional gathering, we wish to celebrate Dawson City’s creative spirit by supporting the creation and presentation of new work in manners deemed safe by public health professionals.

The Klondike Institute of Art & Culture is seeking proposals for the presentation of new work in all mediums at the 20th Annual Yukon Riverside Arts Festival around Discovery Days weekend, Aug 13 – 16, 2020. This is an open call to Yukon / Regional artists and collectives at any stage of their artistic practices to propose projects, workshops, cultural practices, installations, performances, writings, film, new media, talks, demonstrations, collaborations, exhibitions, exchanges, questions and connections in whatever shape, duration, platform, mode of distribution you imagine them taking. Proposals can be outdoor, virtual, pre-recorded, and more. Dream and scheme and tell us what you would like to do. Projects large and small will be considered. All projects must adhere to physical distancing guidelines.

We anticipate unknowns, and will rise to the challenge of adapting in new and safe ways
We will not be encouraging large gatherings
We will not be encouraging travel between communities
We will still find ways to connect and create, and to hold each other up”

For more information, please visit:

-from Klondike Institute of Art & Culture

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