Canada Council for the Arts: Elder & Youth Legacy Program Funding, Deadline Nov.15 – Artbridges

Canada Council for the Arts: Elder & Youth Legacy Program Funding, Deadline Nov.15

Canada Council for the Arts: Elder & Youth Legacy Program Funding, Deadline Nov.15


Program Description
Through this program, Aboriginal arts organizations can help Elders pass on the many art forms being practiced to the next generation.

The program will also increase the Canada Council’s capacity to serve Aboriginal Elders of this country, giving them opportunities to work with youth and pass on their legacy of artistic practice.

Generally, projects should be designed as follows; the organization will choose the Elder who will work with their youth. That Elder will then help to decide the number of young people he or she will work with, and will help to select them.

Strong applications will demonstrate a clear link between the Elders, participants, the artistic practice being shared, and the expenses to be covered by the grant.

15 November, 2016

Grant Amount
You may request up to $20,000.

Eligible Applicants
Note that meeting the eligibility criteria does not guarantee that you will receive a grant.

It is strongly recommended that potential applicants speak to the program officer to confirm their eligibility before submitting their application.

Organizations applying to this program must be Aboriginal or have Aboriginal artists as a majority of their members. These artists must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada, as defined by Citizenship and Immigration Canada. They do not need to be living in Canada when the organization applies.

The organization’s artistic direction must also be provided by Aboriginal artists of Canada. At least 51 %of the directors on their board must be Aboriginal people, and one of these directors must sign the application.

The Canada Council defines Aboriginal peoples as First Nations, Métis and Inuit people.

Organizations must show an ongoing commitment to Aboriginal arts. The organization must show that the Elder and Aboriginal youth participants have helped to develop the project outline, goals and objectives, and that they have set a timeline that works for them.

Ineligible Applicants
First Nations Band Councils
Educational Institutions (schools, universities)

Further Information
Noël Habel
Program Officer
Aboriginal Arts Office
1-800-263-5588 (toll-free) or 613-566-4414, ext. 4178
TTY: 1-866-585-5559″

More info at:

Posted with permission from Noël Habel

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