Today! Live stream of an award-winning interactive forum theatre play about consent and sexual violence (Sheatre) – Artbridges

Today! Live stream of an award-winning interactive forum theatre play about consent and sexual violence (Sheatre)

Today! Live stream of an award-winning interactive forum theatre play about consent and sexual violence (Sheatre)

“Thanks to FAR FROM THE HEART, students around the world will engage in conversations about consent and sexual assault through interactive theatre.
Change the action. Stop the violence.

In the age of #MeToo, the live stream of an award-winning interactive forum theatre play about consent and sexual violence could not be more timely or important. Sheatre’s Far From the Heart / Loin du Coeur will close out its 31-show tour of Canadian schools with two live streams, the first in English and the other in French, on Friday, November 9th. The production will be performed before a live audience in Owen Sound, Ontario, while inviting for the first time students around the world to participate at

Audience members have the opportunity to step into action and change the outcome of the scenarios performed on stage. A chat window will allow online viewers to post comments and suggest interventions to be played out by the actors. As a result, students get a rehearsal for reality, learning through theatre how to resolve conflicts, negotiate relationships, and avoid risk. A half-hour discussion with professional counsellors from local community groups will immediately follow each show.

#FarFromTheHeart and #LoinDuCoeur Live Streams
Sponsored by the Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario
November 9, 2018 | Owen Sound & North Grey Union Public Library
10am-11:30am EST in English
1pm-2:30pm EST in French
Suitable for ages 13+ (parental guidance recommended for younger audiences)
Tune in worldwide:

Far From the Heart is supported by a comprehensive educational package that includes an educational guide, teacher training, and in-class activities to help deliver the core curriculum in the areas of sexual health and violence prevention. Teachers who view the live streams with their classes can download the teacher’s guide for recommended pre- and post-show activities. For more info, contact sheatre[at]

This is the twelfth year that Sheatre, a Canadian professional community arts company located near Owen Sound, has produced Far From the Heart. For the first time, an intimacy director has joined the crew to ensure intimate scenes adhere to the highest standards of artistry and safety. Funded for the third year by the Ontario Arts Council (It’s Never Okay), the play engages and educates teens about the different forms of pressure and violence in dating relationships, exploring the issues that lie beneath this behaviour.”

For more information, please visit:

-from Sheatre
Read Sheatre’s profile in ArtBridges Community-Engaged Arts Directory and Map

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