Funding & Grants – Page 11 – Artbridges

Funding & Grants

Micro-grants for emerging artists or collectives to create, engage and inspire! Platform A / Art Starts (Toronto)

“Microgrants are back! How would you engage Toronto with art? Art Starts is now offering 12 micro-grants in amounts up to $1000 for emerging artists or collectives to create, engage and inspire! Deadline: October 30th 2014 Proposals in all artistic disciplines are welcome. For more info or to apply, please

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Micro-grants for artists and arts collectives interested in community-engaged arts: Platform A / Jumblies (Toronto)

“As part of the Platform A, an initiative of the Toronto Arts Council, Jumblies is pleased to announce that we will be awarding $12,000 in micro-grants for projects taking place between January and April 2015. WHAT? Jumblies’ micro-grants are for artists and arts collectives interested in community-engaged arts. By this

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Shapeshifters: 9 videos feat. Ontario Aboriginal artists & their tips for successful grant writing (Ontario Arts Council)

[Watch the Shapeshifters Series HERE] “Shapeshifters is a series of nine video profiles featuring Aboriginal artists in Ontario and speaks to the diversity and breadth of Aboriginal Arts in the province. The videos explore indigenous approaches to art, cultural revitalization and offer tips on applying for a grant. The series

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Des Fonds pour les artistes et les organismes artistiques des minorités de langue officielle

“En tant que partenaire de la Feuille de route pour les langues officielles du Canada 2013-2018 : éducation, immigration, communauté, le Conseil des arts du Canada investira un total de 2,75 millions $ dans une stratégie d’accès aux marchés pour les artistes et organismes artistiques des communautés de langue officielle en situation

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Funds for Official Language Minority Artists and Arts Organizations

“As a partner of the Roadmap for Canada’s Official Languages 2013-2018: Education, Immigration, Communities, the Canada Council for the Arts will distribute a total of $2.75 million under a market access strategy for artists and arts organizations belonging to official language minority communities. The Roadmap for Canada’s Official Languages 2013-2018: Education,

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Des fonds pour faciliter l’intégration des arts dans le milieu scolaire en Nouvelle-Ecosse!

La Fédération culturelle acadienne de la Nouvelle-Écosse (FéCANE) est fière de vous annoncer le lancement du programme GénieArts Nouvelle-Écosse 2014/15. “GénieArts est un programme provincial qui donne aux écoles et aux communautés l’occasion d’intégrer les activités de nature artistique dans les programmes d’études et encourage les jeune à développer leurs facultés intellectuelles

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Grant opportunity for community-based arts activities: 4Cs Foundation (Halifax, January 15, 2014)

“The next deadline is January 15, 2014 for grant applications to the 4Cs Foundation. Please visit for more information. In particular read the page “Applying for a Grant”. The 4Cs Foundation funds community-based projects that foster links and connections between young people and others in their community in the context

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