Project Highlights – Artbridges

Project Highlights

Profile Highlight: STEPS Public Art

As ArtBridges’ Community-Engaged Arts Directory grows, we realize that it’s a bit overwhelming to read through all of the profiles. We’re hoping that by occasionally highlighting some profiles on our blog, you may learn about an initiative that you may not have initially seen in the directory. Also, if you know of

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Video: The Ripple Effect/Effet d’écho – Workman Arts

“The #RippleEffect is the Ontario Arts Council’s series of short videos exploring how, beyond their intrinsic qualities, publicly funded arts activities add value in communities across Ontario. To learn more, visit: For more than 30 years, Workman Arts has been empowering people with mental health and addiction challenges by

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Les jeunes du projet Porte-Voix se font entendre (Coup d’Éclats, Montréal)

“Depuis 2012, l’équipe de Coup d’éclats réalise des projets de co.création et de réflexion critique avec des jeunes hébergé.e.s en centre jeunesse et en famille d’accueil. À travers [leurs] activités, les jeunes ont fait émerger des recommandations concrètes visant l’amélioration des programmes, des services et des lois qui les concernant.

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Video: HAAP! H’art Accessible Arts Program “HAAP! is H’art Centre’s community-coordinated arts program for seniors who live in long-term care homes, including those who may experience isolation because of disabilities. Several times a week, trained artists and volunteers travel to long-term care homes across Kingston to deliver meaningful arts-based programming.” -from H’art Centre website Read H’art Centre’s

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