
Art Hives How-to-Guide / Guide Pratique des Ruches d’Art

“The Art Hives How-to-Guide is now available as a FREE downloadable PDF, in English and French! Support the Art Hives Network by ordering your hard copy for 20$ CAD + shipping, Le Guide Pratique des Ruches d’Art est maintenant disponible GRATUITEMENT en version PDF téléchargeable, en français et en anglais!

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ArtBridges Tips & Tools Series: DAREarts Practical Guide for Artists Visiting Remote FNMI Communities

What are the responsibilities of artists as guests in communities that are not their own? What can guest artists do to prepare for and to be respectful of this role? For our new ArtBridges Tips & Tools series, we asked DAREarts First Roots Program Associate, Cathy Elliott, to share some tips with artists who are new to working

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ArtBridges’ Community Arts 101 Audio Series: Stephen “Buddha” Leafloor (BluePrintForLife)

The next two instalments in ArtBridges’ Community Arts 101 audio series come from BluePrintForLife‘s Stephen Leafloor, a social worker and b-boy since 1982. Founded in 2006, the company’s mandate is to use “Hiphop as both a community development tool and as a model for alternative education and healing… [it] offers dynamic, culturally

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Sponsorship Marketing | Featured Resource

In recent years, arts and community organizations have been encouraged to diversify their funding sources and be innovative and entrepreneurial spirit. In response, many groups have begun to explore a new world of corporate sponsorship. Working with the corporate sector often demands a steep learning curve for nonprofit organizations. Culture

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