
Resource Highlight | Framing Community – A Community-Engaged Art Workbook (Ontario Arts Council)

Framing Community – A Community-Engaged Art Workbook Ontario Arts Council | ON | 2017 “Framing Community – A Community-Engaged Art Workbook provides guidance on how to develop projects and points to resources, references and funding sources and offers examples of recent artist-led projects in the province. It is the new

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Resource Highlight | Creating Together: Participatory, Community-Based, and Collaborative Arts Practices and Scholarship across Canada

Creating Together: Participatory, Community-Based, and Collaborative Arts Practices and Scholarship across Canada Wilfrid Laurier University Press | Canada wide | 2015 Diane Conrad, Anita Sinner (editors) “Creating Together explores an emerging approach to research that combines arts practices and scholarship in participatory, community-based, and collaborative contexts in Canada across multiple

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Resource Highlight | Create & Grow Strong: Using Creative Exploration, Expression & Celebration to Foster Resilience in Youth

Create & Grow Strong: Using Creative Exploration, Expression & Celebration to Foster Resilience in Youth OCADU | ON | 2015 Laura Stavro-Beauchamp “This research explored the idea that a creative project undertaken in a group setting could help youth to cultivate the traits that contribute to increased resilience elsewhere in

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