Stories – Artbridges


Façades : Fenêtres sur ma ville (MU)

“D’une initiative de Tourisme Montréal, nous sommes fier·e·s de présenter « Façades : Fenêtres sur ma ville », une murale signée par le peintre montréalais d’origine chilienne Rafael Sottolichio et produit par MU. L’œuvre est située sur la rue Peel et on peut l’apercevoir depuis le Square Dorchester. Cette murale

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STORIES OF NOW: National Theatre School of Canada

Vignette – National Theatre School of Canada “STORIES OF NOW” is part of a project ArtBridges is working on with Judith Marcuse Projects’ ASCN (Arts for Social Change Network) and ICASC. It is about gathering and sharing stories emanating from the field now and about what issues and areas

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STORIES OF NOW: Workman Arts

Vignette – Workman Arts, Toronto, “STORIES OF NOW” is part of a project ArtBridges is working on with Judith Marcuse Projects’ ASCN (Arts for Social Change Network) and ICASC. It is about gathering and sharing stories emanating from the field now and about what issues and areas of focus

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STORIES OF NOW: Labrador Creative Arts Festival

Vignette – Labrador Creative Arts Festival (LCAF) “STORIES OF NOW” is part of a project ArtBridges is working on with Judith Marcuse Projects’ ASCN (Arts for Social Change Network) and ICASC. It is about gathering and sharing stories emanating from the field now and about what issues and areas

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STORIES OF NOWVignette : UNLOCKED Project (Montreal, QC) “STORIES OF NOW” is part of a project ArtBridges is working on with Judith Marcuse Projects’ ASCN (Arts for Social Change Network) and ICASC. It is about gathering and sharing stories emanating from the field now and about what issues and areas

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STORIES OF NOW: Art City (Winnipeg, MB)

Vignette – Art City Winnipeg, MB “STORIES OF NOW” is part of a project ArtBridges is working on with Judith Marcuse Projects’ ASCN (Arts for Social Change Network) and ICASC. It is about gathering and sharing stories emanating from the field now and about what issues and areas of

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STORIES OF NOW: Focus on Nature (Guelph, ON)

Vignette – Focus on Nature (Guelph, ON) Follow us on Instagram | Photos on Flickr  | Visit our web site | FoN on YouTube | Like us on Facebook! “Inspiring young people to explore and connect with nature through photography.” “STORIES OF NOW” is part of a project ArtBridges is working on with Judith Marcuse Projects’ ASCN (Arts for Social

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STORIES OF NOW: Wonder’neath Art Society

Vignette – Wonder’neath Art Society (Wonder’neath), Kjipuktuk (North End Halifax), NS “STORIES OF NOW” is part of a project ArtBridges is working on with Judith Marcuse Projects’ ASCN (Arts for Social Change Network) and ICASC. It is about gathering and sharing stories emanating from the field now and about

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