Celebrate 27 Arts Fest (Toronto) – Artbridges

Celebrate 27 Arts Fest (Toronto)

Celebrate 27 Arts Fest (Toronto)


“Everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits.”
– UN Declaration of Human Rights

Celebrate 27 Launch
“The City of Toronto invites you to the launch of Celebrate 27 Arts Fest on March 31, 2011. More information.

Celebrate 27 Arts Fest (C27) communicates and celebrates Article 27’s assertion of the universal right of all to participate in the arts and cultural life of the community with a series of events across Toronto from April 1 to April 27, 2011. C27 promotes Toronto’s vibrant cultural and community arts landscape in neighbourhoods across the city and raises awareness of the diverse programs and services offered by local artists, local arts organizations and the City. C27 partners include: Arts Etobicoke, Lakeshore Arts, Urban Arts Community Arts Council, Scarborough Arts, the Neighbourhood Arts Network and City of Toronto Cultural Services and Economic Development. Sponsors include: TD Bank, Canon Canada, Chamber of Commerce of Ontario, Alitalia and the Greater Toronto Airport Authority.

C27 demonstrates the importance of the arts in our neighbourhoods and of the artists, and community arts organizations who as enablers of creativity, imagination, ingenuity and innovation help strengthen all communities and also build social and economic inclusion in the city’s underserved neighbourhoods.”

submitted by Andrea Raymond, Cultural Outreach Officer, Toronto Cultural Services, East District, Cedar Ridge Creative Centre, (416) 396-7043

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